I think that Nate did a good job at separating and going into depth on the topic of Immigration. The way he broke it up into Social, Political and economic. Immigration policies are still in effect and going through congress to this day. Even though it may not be the same problems as in the 1920's with too much immigrants coming into america. In the 1920's congress made the Immigration Act, which pushed the Immigrants away from America. What Obama is proposing to congress in his Immigration Reform bill, is to basically give the illegal immigrants a "second chance" at being an american. I am not going to go into detail about his plan, because that would be unnecessary. But if you knew what his plan was, in away Obama is doing the opposite of what congress did in the 1920's. He is accepting the immigrants, not pushing them away. Now society on the other hand, some of the people are still natavist and don't like immigrants. Like in 1920's with the KKK and the Fundamentalist.
Noah Did a fine job at analyzing the cultural problems involving Politics. He makes a good point in saying that the political movements of the 1920's controlled the cultural movements. I think to make this virtual essay a tad bit better he could of put a couple videos in it. I am a virtual learner so when i see things i can get a better picture of it. But it also gives the reader another perspective. In today, there are many things that protect the people from loosing all there money, like what happened on black Friday. Like the FDIC insurance, which pays the person up to a certain amount of money.
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