Saturday, January 26, 2013

Expansion in Latin America: Roosevelt Edition

Question: What if we never went to war with the Spaniards in Cuba... Would we even be expanding in Latin America... or be so interested in it?

Keep in mind Roosevelt wouldn't be so popular... so maybe he wouldn't of become the V.P for McKinley


  1. Cool vlog Rebeka! This was a really creative method of telling us about the American intervention in Latin America. Based on the presidents that we have had (even after Roosevelt) I still think that we would be interested in Cuba and Latin America, simply because of the economic values it holds.

  2. If America never went to war with the Spaniards many other counties would have done the same thing. These counties wouldn't have taken United States being the most powerful nation on Earth. Austin Borchardt by the way like the being of our video with the old music, and in black and white.

  3. First off Rebeka, I liked that you did something different and creative! And the old time music...just made it fit into time a little more. I think that the U.S. still would have held interest in Cuba and Latin American, because they did hold economic value and expansion within.

  4. How does our desire for cuba and philippines reflect our desire for global expansion today?

    Great work and V-Log!!
