Thursday, October 11, 2012

Point of View From Revolutionary Wa

Year 1775

The war is getting difficult. The British army is getting stronger and has more war supplies then us patriots have. The British have the Hessians or German Soldiers. They are brutal and are very good at what they do. But I noticed that they don't have the same fight and intuition as my fellow patriots do. The British also have no food like us. I wonder how they survive like us. 
British are getting weak and are bringing in the Loyalist in the colonies and some black slaves. They are promising them freedom if they join. I don't believe they are going to keep there word on that. I heard a rumor that the British are having troubles with commanding things because of there distance from there home base in England. 
Us Americans are not having a good time. We hardly have any training in battle compared to the British. We don't have a good sense of unity. I have no idea really what to do. Our men need some work at military camps if we want any chance against the British army.  
Many colonist are jealous about other colonies. Not sure why but its a sense of who is stronger and has more troops in different colonies. 
Not everything is bad though. We have George Washington as a General. He is such an inspirational person to lead us into battle. Also I herd that we are getting French aid. 
The days grow longer and the winters are difficult to bare. I believe we are going to get through the war and defeat the British Army.  

This can relate to today current situation in Iraq. The soldiers there are going through rough times but are going to get through it. They always have high hopes.